23 February 2019

Cruel Seas - Finishing Off the PT Boats

Edit: you can see part 1 here.

As discussed at the end of the last related blog post (see here), I gave these PT boats a heavy wash of both Vallejo Woodgrain (70.828) and watered down Black (70.950). I also added the (tiny!) American flags to some of the boats, using the flag sheet that they came with.

These were pretty easy to apply: cut the flags out with roughly a 5mm border around the design, folded along the hoist, added a small dab of PVA, fold in half, let that dry, cut out with scissors, glued into place with a small drop of super glue and then painted the edges (red and blue).

Back to the wash; I am very happy with how they came out on the top surface:

But I think I was a bit heavy with the streaking with the brown ink along the sides:

A day or two later I am not concerned now with having to fix this up as you can hardly see it when the boats are laid out on the table. Overall I am very happy how quickly I got this project done from when I purchased them to getting them ready for a game. (Okay, I've got two more to paint, but these don't have to be finished to get a decent sized game in.)

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