31 December 2019

Australian New Year's Eve Gaslands Championship 2019

Phil hosted another year of good food, drink and company in his backyard with a chaotic game of Gaslands thrown into the mix.

Same limitations as last year, with each team being capped at 25 cans and sponsors or perks were not available. I took a tan car with a forward facing machine gun, and two bikes (the white helmeted rider also had mines).

We played Death Race with Walter (black car with a heavy machine gun mounted on a turret), Alex (black performance car with two forward facing mini-guns) and Mitch (white pickup truck with a ram and a forward facing mini-gun).

None of us had really played a game in a while (or at all), so we stumbled our way through the rules to the first gate (where each car's weapons would become live), and then the real carnage ensued (up until this point Wal's car kept getting love taps from us as we tried to ram him).

Mitch wiped out before getting to the first gate, and slept like a grandpa at the wheel for most of the game (he managed to wipe out in the first gear phase for that turn).

My bikes with their high speed were prime targets and soon fell (didn't help that I rode my second bike through the mines I dropped...).

Alex was blown to bits by shooting from Wal and myself.

Wal thought he had it in the bag on the home stretch before I (totally) risked on a corner ram (which due to the Rule of Carnage became a head on ram) to stop him. We both died in balls of flames to hand Grandpa Mitch the game and the tournament. It really is a fun game.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year, may 2020 bring you everything you want. 

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