It was a short game, more due to luck than skill - I was able to quick kill Lyle's light chariots with my bow, with two (maybe three) 6-1 rolls in my favour. The other kill was a 5-1 from memory.
It had been a while since I played Art De La Guerre (ADLG), so I took up an offer from Matt W to play a classical-themed game in the afternoon. He fielded an Alexander the Great (#40) army and I wanted to field something suitably historical. I fielded something I haven't used before - Ancient Spanish (#89). These were from my Field of Glory Carthaginian army (Magister Militum / Chariot Miniatures), and I used the African spearmen from that army as my Celtiberian.
The list consisted of:
Thurro (competent C-in-C)
2 Celtiberian (impetuous heavy swordsmen elite)
4 Celtiberian (impetuous heavy swordsmen)
2 Light infantry (sling)
1 Burning cart (scythed chariot)
Lubbo (ordinary sub-general)
1 Celtiberian (impetuous heavy swordsmen elite)
2 Celtiberian (impetuous heavy swordsmen)
4 Caetrati (javelinmen)
2 Light infantry (sling)
2 Light cavalry (javelin)
Caciro (competent sub-general)
3 Medium cavalry (elite)
3 Light cavalry (javelin)
3 Light infantry (javelin)
I have never used many of these troop types (including javelinmen) and consequently deployed poorly. Very poorly.
While on my left flank I deployed the mounted command, I engaged them against Matt's mounted command that outnumbered me and was better equipped.
The centre command should've been the one to face the elephants and be able to take the ploughed field, instead I sent them off on the far left flank. They did next to nothing all game (in part due to having a commander that was hardly able to activate).
However the impetuous heavy swordsmen ability saved me, because when I hit Matt's line I was able to claw back something (helped also by some fortuitous shooting rolls). In the end I lost, but I was close to breaking Matt's army (18 demoralisation points from his army value of 20). But not a victory.
Overall I was happy with the Ancient Spanish list, and a little tweaking of the commands has me ready to field them again.