04 August 2019

Last Game I Played - Junta

Nigel invited people over for a board game day. What's the game seven friends play when they want to play Diplomacy but know that once was enough? Junta!

If you don't know Junta, it's in my top 10 (but then again, I don't play many board games). But it's been around since 1978, so it must be good:

I ended up as president early on, which I'm not a fan of, but then I managed to get myself a massive voting block:

Along with one other player who was also lucky enough to be dealt a good hand we were able to create a super voting block. Combined we were however incompetent (we were role-playing the personalities of the Republica de los Bananas, honest!). Coup after coup, after coup. After coup, followed.

I eventually lost the peasant and my ally was shot after a coup (I was sunning myself on a beach in Mexico somewhere).

Needless to say I didn't win, being too honest (the game encourages you to lie). Great fun though.

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